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World Poll

Explore Gallup's research.

Traditional metrics overlook a hidden jobs crisis threatening workplaces worldwide. Are leaders prepared to rethink life at work?

Download the data to learn how people perceive noncommunicable diseases in five countries around the world.

The World Happiness Report describes happiness across countries as an indicator of societal progress, explores the factors of happiness, and goes beyond traditional measures by providing in-depth analysis into wellbeing and its drivers across the globe.

Our global research tracks human development worldwide and uses the Gallup World Poll -- the most comprehensive and farthest-reaching survey of the world.

Download the Disruption issue of The Real Future of Work online publication.

Learn how the World Bank partners with Gallup to meet its goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainable way.

Learn how the Sustainable Development Solutions Network uses the Gallup World Poll to track the happiest countries.

Learn how workforce disruptions are affecting major economies, and what leaders can do about it.

Learn how business leaders in the UK can address the challenge of Brexit-related anxiety and inspire greater engagement among workers.

One in three working-age adults worldwide have the type of jobs that are the true gauges of economic productivity and inclusiveness.

What if organizations everywhere doubled or tripled employee engagement? Imagine how quickly that would solve global productivity.