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Gallup Panel

Explore Gallup's research.

Discover the difference between how managers think they are leading their teams and how employees say they're being managed.

Leaders and managers are facing more extreme changes than other employees. Read how to limit the lingering disruption caused by organizational change.

A Gallup survey of CHROs from Fortune 500 companies reveals a pressing need to build performance management systems that actually inspire employees.

Close to half of the workforce is seeking or open to new job opportunities. German employers must engage more of their employees or risk losing them.

Most remote-capable workers now have hybrid flexibility, meaning employers need to make the commute worth it. Learn four elements that draw workers in.

Gallup celebrates 60 winning organizations that maintained highly engaged workplace cultures while adapting to the challenges of 2023.

About one in four government employees are burnt out. This can be attributed to five root causes that range from unfair treatment to lack of manager support.

Customer expectations have changed since the pandemic. See what employees and CHROs say are the biggest obstacles to meeting the new expectations.

Outdated structures and family responsibilities can hinder women's career goals. Here's how to support their rise to the top.

Gallup has identified six key elements of the K-12 workplace that leaders can focus on to address the growing concern of educator turnover.

Following the pandemic, younger employees report feeling increasingly more detached from their work and employers than do older generations.

Following improvements in early 2023, U.S. employee engagement remained flat for the rest of the year, presenting persistent challenges for employers.

From hybrid work to restructuring, relationships between employees and employers have changed. Here are six of the most important trends leaders should watch in 2024.

Southeast Asia's employers can enhance their workers' productivity, wellbeing and loyalty by creating great jobs and better employee experiences.

U.S. workers have a favorable view of employee-sponsored wellness initiatives, including mental health days and four-day workweeks.

With public trust in the retail industry at an all-time low, prioritizing customer engagement is more crucial than ever.

The six most concerning workplace insights Gallup has discovered in the past year -- and how to turn them around.

The mere mention of layoffs hurts morale and productivity. Learn why leaders should communicate clearly and strategically with those who stay or go.

The viral trend of "lazy girl" jobs doesn't mean women are being neglectful. They want to be challenged -- and have healthy boundaries at work.

Employees are 2.5x more likely to feel burned out when asked to take on new work. In a tight labor market, learn how to increase productivity without driving employees away.