Michelle Eason
辅导专业知识: Career, Education, Executive Coaching, Healthcare, Leadership, Managers, Personal Development, Wellbeing
是否可提供辅导: Is accepting new clients
辅导方法: Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Phone, Workshops
辅导语言: English (USA)
I am currently the Director of Organisational Development for Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network, I work with individuals and teams on using their strengths to help them succeed and bring more joy into their working lives. I am a Registered Nurse specialising in Mental Health and held previous senior roles of Director of Nursing and Clinical Nurse Consultant in Forensic Mental Health contexts. I am also a Conjoint Lecturer, School of Psychiatry at the University of NSW. As a Director of the Justice Health Forensic Mental Health Network Board I promote the use of positive psychology and a strengths based approach to systems and processes at a strategic level. I have a keen interest in facilitation of practice development and leadership with a focus on strengths. I provide individual and team strengths coaching and integtrate strengths approchaes into development workshops and strageic planning.