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Christie Guertin

Christie Guertin

Wisconsin, United States of America
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States of America

辅导专业知识: Leadership, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Parenting, Personal Development, Students/Youth, Wellbeing, Women

是否可提供辅导: Is accepting new clients

辅导方法: Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Workshops

辅导语言: English (USA)

关于 Christie Guertin

Christie Guertin, MSW, is a former social worker and current organizational development professional. She has spent her career focusing on how strengths (at an individual, family or organizational level) can lead to success. Christie's passion for strengths coaching is evident from the moment you talk with her. Her enthusiasm comes from the core belief that everyone has the ability to reach their true potential and using your strengths to be intentional with your life can lead to this success.

Christie's dominant strengths
Individualization-Adaptability-Developer-Strategic-Relator-Achiever-Self Assurance-Arranger-Positivity-Belief

Christie graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for her undergraduate degree and graduate degree in social work. She spent 10 years in leadership in child welfare programs prior to becoming an organizational development professional focused on performance management, employee engagement and culture shaping practices. Christie has been an ad hoc instructor with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee since 2009.

Christie is a parent to two children, both of whom have taken StrengthsExplorer. She has used these results to develop plans with their teachers to use their natural talents in the school setting. Christie has spent the last three years as a coach for Girls On The Run, an elementary age girls empowerment and running program. Her personal areas of interest include financial and physical well-being.