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Nicolette Groen

Nicolette Groen


Competência de coaching: Career, Government, Leadership, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Teams, Wellbeing, Women

Disponibilidade de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Método(s) de coaching: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Workshops

Idioma(s) de coaching: Deutsch, English (USA), Nederlands

Sobre Nicolette Groen

As a coach I focus on thinking in solutions. I like to work from the present to the future, but when relevant, a look into the past certainly will not lack. I'll help you grow as a professional by using your own talents and strenghts and to establish your desired change with courage.

As team coach, I guide you and your team members to a higher level, also in a solution-oriented way working towards the future with the “how-question”. Naturally I will stimulate and motivate the team members to value their talents and differences.

I have a lot of experience in individual coaching, teamcoaching and HR in non-profit organizations. I love working on themes like dealing with changes, teamwork, sustainable employabiity and careercoaching. My most important values are reliable, unbiased, respectful reflection.

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