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Janis McArdle

Janis McArdle

New Zealand

Competência de coaching: Education, Enterprise Business, Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Small Business/Entrepreneurs

Disponibilidade de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Método(s) de coaching: In Person, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone

Idioma(s) de coaching: English (USA)

Sobre Janis McArdle

Janis is a coach who will inspire you and your teams to be the best that you can be. She has Maximiser as her Number One theme of talent after all!  

As an experienced general manager she has a toolbox of skills and competencies that she has been able to adapt to the different sectors in which she has worked: public sector/government, media, education, not-for-profit, human rights, environment and disability sectors. Her proven ability to pick up ‘sector specific’ knowledge as required in her own career means she can quickly tune into the issues that you and your teams are facing. She has Strategic at number two in her talent sequence.  

Janis has had operations management responsibility for a broad portfolio of services over the years and has thrived on the challenge of bringing different teams together for a common purpose. She has demonstrated a sustained ability to focus their efforts and support them to deliver exceptional outcomes. She brings this experience and these learnings to her coaching practice - drawing heavily on her Relator (number three) and Individualisation (number four) themes of talent.  

Janis initially trained as a journalist, worked as a television reporter and presenter and managed her own PR/marketing company. She recently completed her Master’s in Management degree.  

As your coach I will walk alongside you - supporting and challenging you. I will hold you accountable for what you determine you need to do or change to achieve your goals. I have an action focus - underpinned by reflection and deep thinking. 

My promise to you: I will be your catalyst for action!