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Jiro Horikoshi

Jiro Horikoshi

Tokyo, Japan
Okinawa, Japan
Hokkaido, Japan

Competência de coaching: Career, Healthcare, Leadership, Managers, Sales, Teams

Disponibilidade de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Método(s) de coaching: Coaching Packages, In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Workshops

Idioma(s) de coaching: 日本語

Sobre Jiro Horikoshi

Joined a major food company in the sales support department as an academician. After gaining field experience as a sales representative, I moved to a major pharmaceutical company. Since 2019, I have been a career consultant, SEI EQ assessor (6Seconds certified ), and an anger management specialist, supporting organizational management from a human resource perspective as well as sales strategy. Currently engaged as an organizational promoter as well as a team leader in the sales field.

I have studied mindfulness-based coaching and provides personal coaching on business issues such as career development and personal growth, as well as team building and workshops on organizational development, such as improving team dynamics and organizational management.


My hobbies include camping, skiing, snowboarding, and other outdoor activities, and I most enjoy traveling (both domestically and internationally).

I have also recently taken up cooking and playing musical instruments, and am slowly adding new hobbies to my life.