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Cathy Graham

Cathy Graham

United States of America

コーチングの専門知識: Career, Education, Enterprise Business, Executive Coaching, Faith, Families, Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Keynotes, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Manufacturing, Non-Profit Organizations, Parenting, Personal Development, Retail, Sales, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Students/Youth, Teams, Technology, Wellbeing, Women

コーチングの予約状況 Is accepting new clients

コーチングの手法: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops

コーチングの言語: English (USA)

Cathy Graham について

I love watching the difference I can make in a client’s life as the process happens. I love making light bulbs go off. It’s the, I never thought of that before kind of look. What is actually happening is insight. In that moment - I've helped you uncover something you never realized before. A new connection has been made in your brain. Once you have that insight? You are compelled to take action. When you understand how your signature themes from StrengthsFinder show up you are able to aim them at success. What happens to me when I've created that ah-hah moment? I get goosebumps.  

When I work with teams and families, I use the methodology by CRR Global called ORSC™ Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching and Team Coaching using StrengthsFinder.. There are some incredible tools that create a new understanding for the team. I am able to create a deep empathy between the team members. When you physically stand in someone else's shoes, when you experience their reality it creates a whole new awareness for the team. And, once again, I get goosebumps.  

I am a speaker for several education companies and an instructor at Duke University. I'm also a certified facilitator for several companies including Franklin Covey and DDI. When I create self-awareness in others? I get goosebumps. I love reading books and travel along with other interests. I take my reading, my travel, my extensive coaching, and human resource experience and incorporate the ideas into the workplace with my globally read blog. I love creating success for others; it gives me goosebumps!