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Candie Simmons

Candie Simmons

Madison, Mississippi, United States of America
Alabama, United States of America
Tennessee, United States of America

Experiencia en coaching: Life Coaching, Managers, Personal Development, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Non-Profit Organizations, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Teams, Women

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops, Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom)

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)

Acerca de Candie Simmons

I am a results driven professional who is organized, timely and responsive. I enjoy one on one coaching and helping individuals understand how their Top 5 Strengths contribute to their success. I am available for coaching via face to face and over the phone. In addition, I can facilitate workshops for teams and help them to understand how to work better as a group utilizing their teams strengths.

Please contact me if you aspire to be a more productive manager, need assistance guiding your team or need assistance in identifying which direction you should take professionally or personally.