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Sacha Fitch

Sacha Fitch

Experiencia en coaching: Career, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Personal Development, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Teams, Women

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Workshops

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)

Acerca de Sacha Fitch

Executive Coach & Leadership Development Consultant 

Sacha is an expert in executive coaching and leadership development. She possesses an innate ability to help individuals, teams and organizations to bring significant positive change in engagement and commitment to their business performance.  

People love working with Sacha due to her unique qualities of being engaging, honest and challenging which quickly establish a deep trust in her relationships. Her passion is to inspire people to create shifts in thinking and behavior, enabling them to exceed their potential and achieve their aspirations.  

Sacha’s career covers over 20 years of global experience within blue-chip companies across multiple industry sectors including banking, media, oil and gas, technology and insurance. She has extensive experience in successfully managing change at major multinationals during periods of crisis, takeover, or disruptive operational restructuring. Her partnerships with senior leaders in facilitating effective transition through the most challenging of times have given her a clear insight into what it takes to be an exceptional leader and just how crucial effective leadership is.  

Before becoming an independent consultant Sacha was a Leadership Facilitator & Management Effectiveness Coach for Standard Chartered Bank. Based out of Dubai she travelled the globe to support leaders in growing their business through enhancing team performance and engagement whilst staying true to their strengths and values.  

Areas of Expertise 

Executive coaching
Communication & Influencing
Improving team performance
Leveraging the system including stakeholders & networks
Organizational effectiveness
Values & culture expertise
Organizational politics & successfully working within the matrix
Unconscious bias and inclusive leadership 


Professional Certified Coach - Results Coaching System and Mindbridge International
Master Practitioner NLP, Time Line Therapy & Hypnosis
Masters Degree in Human Resource Management
Certified FIRO Elements, MBTI, Gallup Strength Finder & SHL OPQ Practitioner
Affiliated to CIPD & ICF
NZSIA Level 1 Ski Instructor