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Kristi Wasson

Kristi Wasson

Denver, Colorado, United States of America

Experiencia en coaching: Career, Education, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Students/Youth, Teams, Technology, Wellbeing, Women

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)

Acerca de Kristi Wasson

Nothing energizes me more than helping individuals and teams gain self-awarenss of how their strengths serve as a powerful vehicle for maximizing their potential and achieving desired goals. In my current role as an Assistant Director for Career Services, at the University of Colorado Boulder, I help students and alumni explore the intersection between their most natural talents, interests, and values and guide them in applying this self-awarness to pursue fulfilling careers. I also utillize my strengths to support a small team of Career Counselors whille coaching them to maximize and leverage their individual strengths to be the best they can be. In addition, I have worked with intact teams on the university campus, in K-12 education, as well as start-up technology companies to better understand and apply their strengths to build community and effectively manage change. Coaching others to enhance their self-awarness and hone their communication skills in order to be the best version of themselves drives me, and I find that Strengths is an essential tool for doing that. 

While Colorado has been my home for over 20 years, I am originally from Iowa and earned my undergradated degree in Communication and Education, from Augustana College, IL. After first working as a ski instructor and then as a high school teacher and coach, I earned my MA in Communication from the University of Colorado Boulder. After completing my MA, in 2007, I worked as an academic advisor and adjunct instructor teaching Communication courses. It was during this time that I first discovered CliftonStrengths. In my experience, it was the first assessment that truly captured who I was and what I do best. From that moment on, I was determined to learn as much as I could about this assessment and get certified so that I could help others gain the same personal clarity in order to fully maximize their potential. 

If you are looking for advice on designing the next stage of your life, or gaining more self-awarness of how your strengths influence your leadership style, or for a facilitator to consult your team on CliftonStrengths, I look forward to hearing from you!