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Manjusha Ramachandran

Manjusha Ramachandran


Experiencia en coaching: Career, Executive Coaching, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Students/Youth, Women

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: Coaching Packages, In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)

Acerca de Manjusha Ramachandran

I am a Gallup - certified strengths coach and also hold certifications in Internal Corporate coaching and Brain based coaching.

Over 15 years experience as a Regional HR Business Partner, I have been coaching leaders and employees across the region. This has helped me to appreciate diverse perspectives. 


I am passionate about people and love to see them transform, grow and achieve greater things. I strongly believe that every individual has unique strengths that when understood and tapped into will help to progress in life and achieve whatever they set out in their life.


If you choose me as your coach, you can expect me to truly listen what you have to say and provide support to you in your journey. With your permission, I may stretch you and challenge you as needed but also cheer your achievements through this journey.

I will be open to any feedback and also flexible to make changes to the  process to fix your needs.


You can reach me for a free discovery call at