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Teresa Hileman

Teresa Hileman

Richmond, Virginia, United States of America

Experiencia en coaching: Career, Personal Development, Teams

Disponibilidad de coaching: Is not accepting new clients

Métodos de coaching: Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom)

Idiomas de coaching: English (USA)

Acerca de Teresa Hileman

Hello! I recently celebrated my 28th work anniversary at Altria in Richmond, Virginia.  My top 5 strengths are Responsibility - Arranger - Achiever - Individualization - Discipline.  

I have used these strengths to coach multiple people at my company as well as several teams.  I love seeing people recognize how their strengths contribute to the overall success of the team as well as learning how forming powerful partnerships with team members can lead to further success.