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Ross Robinson

Ross Robinson

Greenville, South Carolina, United States of America

Coaching Expertise: Executive Coaching, Financial Services, Government, Leadership, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Small Business/Entrepreneurs

Coaching Availability: Is accepting new clients

Coaching Method: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops

Coaching Language: English (USA)

About Ross Robinson

Ross Robinson is a Leadership Coach who energizes leaders to discover their deepest goals and find the most effective paths to make bold moves. His desire is to see leaders not only realizing their own potential, but also successfully helping others in their organizations do the same. His clients include corporate executives, government officials, medical professionals, non-profit and religious leaders, small business owners and musicians.  

He is a graduate of Georgetown University’s ITL Leadership Coaching program and a PCC credentialed coach with the International Coach Federation. He is a certified Strengths Coach through Gallup, a certified 360 Leadership Circle Practitioner and a Licensed Coach Trainer. He has logged hundreds of successful hours of coaching leaders in their development and impact. He is equipped and eager to join you in your journey.