Coaching Expertise: Career, Enterprise Business, Executive Coaching, Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Leadership, Life Coaching, Managers, Non-Profit Organizations, Personal Development, Retail, Sales, Small Business/Entrepreneurs, Teams, Technology, Wellbeing, Women
Coaching Availability: Is accepting new clients
Coaching Method: Coaching Packages, Corporate Training Programs (e.g. Your Location), In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Workshops
Coaching Language: Deutsch, English (USA), English (Great Britain), Français
Facilitatrice et Coach à l’international depuis 1991, je me suis spécialisée dans la performance et le bien-être en milieu professionnel. Dans mon entreprise BSB GROUP, j’accompagne les dirigeants, équipes et contributeurs individuels vers leur réussite et leur accomplissement.
Toutes mes interventions intègrent l’épanouissement personnel des participants, leur permettant une plus grande sérénité au sein de leur environnement professionnel.
Mes diplômes :
• Master Coach et Maître Praticien PNL
• Wingwave Coach certifié
• Diplômée en techniques d’Investigation Appréciative (Appreciative Inquiry)
• Diplômée dans la psycho-morphologie
• Formatrice certifiée dans la gestion du stress
• Diplômée pour enseigner le « Power Napping »
• Formatrice certifiée de RMP (relaxation musculaire progressive)
Veuillez me contacter pour plus de renseignements.
Je suis impatiente de vous rencontrer !
I have been an international facilitator and coach since 1991, specializing in performance and well-being in the workplace. In my company BSB GROUP, I accompany leaders, teams and individual contributors towards their success and fulfillment.
All my interventions integrate the personal development of the participants, allowing them a greater serenity within their professional environment.
My qualifications:
• Master Coach and Master NLP
• Certified Wingwave Coach
• Graduate in Appreciative Inquiry techniques
• Graduate in psycho-morphology
• Certified trainer in stress management
• Certified "Power Napping" Trainer
• Graduated in PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation)
Please contact me for further information.
I’m looking forward to meet you!