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Hideaki Hanawa

Hideaki Hanawa


Coaching Expertise: Education, Enterprise Business, Small Business/Entrepreneurs

Coaching Availability: Is accepting new clients

Coaching Method: In Person, Phone, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom)

Coaching Language: 日本語

About Hideaki Hanawa

Hideaki has 17 years of experience working in IT as an SE engineer. He then started to take an interest in coaching and became an independent coach in 2012.  

His motto is: Harness your strong points and pursue them further. Hideaki supports people at individual and group sessions as a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach. He combines coaching with Clifton StrengthsFinder, nurturing the motivation of each client. He is very active both at the prefectural and national level in Japan.  

Hideaki also makes use of skills through previous experiences, creating FB applications and-landing pages as an IT engineer. He is also a bookworm; thus, he is always happy if there is time to read books.