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Kait Asquini

Kait Asquini

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Coaching-Erfahrung: Education, Leadership, Personal Development, Students/Youth, Teams

Coaching-Verfügbarkeit: Is not accepting new clients

Coaching-Methode(n): Coaching Packages, In Person, Individual (In-Person, Phone or Zoom), Keynote Speaker, Online Video Conference (e.g. Zoom), Phone, Seminars & Retreats, Workshops

Coaching-Sprache(n): English (USA)

Über Kait Asquini

A former basketball player turned coach, I spent most of my formative years on a basketball court honing my jump shot and passion for leadership. My career continued after a 5-year stint as a player in Canadian Interuniversity Sport as an Assistant Coach with the women's basketball team at Ryerson University from 2012-2016.  

My experience as a coach in sport, leadership, and personal development has enhanced my perspective and ability to relate to those around me using a strengths-based approach. A developer of leadership curriculum and programming in a post-secondary context, I'm fortunate that coaching conversations with students and colleagues are a part of my everyday reality.  

After completing my MA Leadership at Royal Roads University, I developed a great appreciation for the ability to find examples of personal leadership in everyday life. My coaching style reflects this philosophy, encouraging the people I work with to reflect on current experiences and use them as opportunities to learn, explore, and develop their talents and strengths.  

In 2015, I was provided with an opportunity to speak at TEDxRyersonU. Check it out here: