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Exploring Americans' perceptions of business and its impact on society

Download the Bentley University-Gallup Force for Good Report.

Too often, career development plans are missing a crucial element: who you are.

The "why" behind your career deserves more attention than "what" your career specifically is.

Discover how to use your CliftonStrengths to improve your career -- whether you're searching for a job, experiencing changes in your role or have job stability.

Learn how your CliftonStrengths reveal what you do best every day, helping you to shine in your role and love your job.

Learn how Gallup's research findings and CliftonStrengths can help you develop in your career and reach your career development goals.

Learn how to construct a high-development culture using CliftonStrengths.

Learn four ways to prevent M&A talent loss. Many companies look solid until you pick them up. Then all the talent falls out the bottom.

At the forefront of internal learning and development, this global bank built a platform to bring its vibrant culture of mobility to life.

College graduates who say they received realistic expectations about employment prospects are much more likely to find purposeful work.

Learn how to lead productive and engaging meetings. The kind of meetings that make people actually want to show up.

Learn how to design an onboarding program that increases retention and enables employees to fully immerse themselves in your culture.

It's the Manager gives CHROs and CEOs step-by-step instructions on how to create a culture of development within their organization. Gallup has learned that development is the most important part of a job for millennials, Gen Z and the workforce of the future. It's the Manager helps managers get the training and tools they need to become successful managers.

CHROs and CEOs must think about the right way to develop managers to create a culture of development for their employees. It's the Manager provides leaders with training, strengths-based development and the tools needed to train better managers.

To attract and hire top talent companies need to not only create a workplace tailored to today's workforce, but train and develop managers that will deliver on the company's brand promise from the job interview, to onboarding, to development and through the exit interview.

Learn how to handle the workforce issues of tomorrow like managing matrixed teams, remote workers, flex time, cultural diversity, millennials, Gen Z, AI and how technology will affect the workplace.

To be a better manager you first must stop acting like a boss and start thinking like a coach. Learn to become the kind of manager who focuses on developing the people in today's workforce.

It's the Manager equips your managers with 52 of Gallup's greatest discoveries from decades of research into the science of management.