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Addressing the Leadership Blind Spot

Webinar Details
44 minutes
About the Webinar

Watch Jon Clifton, Gallup CEO and author of Gallup’s latest book, Blind Spot, explain the global rise of unhappiness and what it means for leaders.

This on-demand webinar includes:

  • an overview of the book, including insights from the author
  • compelling findings from Gallup’s global wellbeing and happiness research
  • a Q&A with Clifton

According to Gallup, unhappiness and negative emotions have been rising steadily for a decade. More people are feeling anger, stress, sadness, worry and physical pain than ever before.

Meanwhile, world leaders have been watching traditional economic indicators — like unemployment, GDP, and oil and gas prices. But here’s what they missed: how people feel.

Register for this on-demand webinar to find out which metrics leaders should be watching.

The Speakers
Jon Clifton
Chief Executive Officer

Register to watch the webinar.

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