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Manager Development: The Key to Building Resilience and Better Business Performance

Webinar Details
35 minutes
About the Webinar

To create the best possible future for your organization, your managers need to stop doing what doesn’t work and start doing what does. They need to bring your culture and purpose to life, engage and develop their employees, and inspire top performance. 

They need to stop being a boss and start being a coach. 

Leaders are asking: How do we make our business agile and successful in a highly dynamic environment? Some are even asking: How do we increase our growth and capitalize on new opportunities? 

Gallup’s research makes the answer resoundingly clear: manager development. 

Join this webinar to learn:

  • what separates a great manager from an average or poor manager
  • how you or your managers can move from being a boss to being a coach
  • how Gallup works with organizations to create engagement-focused and performance-oriented managers
  • how our new Boss to Coach Journey could be the missing development opportunity your managers need 

The Speakers
Samantha Reshel
Senior Business Solutions Consultant

Register to watch the webinar.

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