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Called to Coach
Belief®: How to Feel More Energized at Work
Called to Coach

Belief®: How to Feel More Energized at Work

Webcast Details

  • What do people with Belief bring to their roles and workplaces?
  • How can you bring energy and motivation to work as you apply your Belief talent?
  • How can managers with Belief create more of an energized, thriving culture on their teams?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.


Productive employees want energy, motivation and drive to characterize their work life. Managers want their teams to possess these in abundance. And organizations envision an entire engaged, thriving workforce that overflows with these qualities. How can individuals high in Belief® bring energy and motivation to their workplaces? And how can managers high in Belief foster a work environment that is energized, motivated and thriving? Join Gallup's Jim Collison and Dr. Jaclynn Robinson and discover how, using your Belief theme, you can bring new energy and motivation to your role, your managing, your coaching.


This is the beauty of Belief, because there is so much passion behind the purpose.

Jaclynn Robinson, 3:22

As someone high in Belief, you might have the purpose that your team is set out to accomplish, but what are their own values and beliefs that are motivating them to get there?

Jaclynn Robinson, 14:52

Jim Collison 0:00
I am Jim Collison, and this is The CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 3, recorded on December 1, 2023.

Jim Collison 0:05
In this CliftonStrengths Podcast series, we'll look at how to feel more energized and motivated at work one theme at a time, and today's theme is Belief. If you're listening live, we'd love to have your comments in chat. If you're listening after the fact -- podcast, YouTube, whatever -- you can send us an email with your questions: Dr. Jaclynn Robinson is our host today. She works as a Senior Learning and Development Consultant and joined me for Seasons 1 and 2 of The CliftonStrengths Podcast (if you haven't listened to those by theme, you should be doing that as well), where we looked at Wellbeing at Work, going to be needed, and CliftonStrengths role-based reports. Jaclynn, always great to see you. Welcome back to Called to Coach!

Jaclynn Robinson 0:55
Likewise! Thank you, JC.

Belief: Questions for Individuals

Jim Collison 0:59
We have been looking at this season around bringing energy to work. I've really enjoyed it. You know, for folks listening to this, we record these in batch. And so we do a couple at a the time. I've really enjoyed working through the season; I hope others have as well. Today, we're talking about Belief. Let's look at the individual first. So as individuals with high Belief, how can they feel more energized? And it's weird, because I don't often think of Belief as an energizing theme. You know, I think of it as a value. But I think maybe we'll have some different things to say about that. What are some ways an individual with Belief can feel more energized by focusing on their basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 1:36
I think, firstly, aligning on what are the big three priorities or job responsibilities where there might be a lack of clarity in that area? You might already know what your big three are. But if not, can you go to your manager and get that clarity? So that then, and secondly, you can map each of those priorities or key responsibilities to your own value system. And the catch there is, when you start to feel misaligned by your workload or it, you know, continues to expand or change, you'll start to have that gut check where there might be some uneasiness. And that might be a call of action to check back in with your manager and just ask questions -- How is the work connecting back to my role? Or how is the work connecting back to the purpose that I hold within the company? So that you can make sure there's alignment again.

Jim Collison 2:26
We've been spending some time talking about these themes in, in terms of what happens in chaos. And, and, you know, when you think of Belief in situations where things aren't quite as stable or as calm, and you think about those three, how does, how do you, how do you think Belief approaches chaos -- individually?

Jaclynn Robinson 2:49
Good question. And I think I, I want to say we've talked about this before, too, where there's probably more receptivity to chaos if there's the purpose behind it, and that chaos is still in alignment with, Where are we heading, and is this still a part of my core value system? But if there's chaos, and there's a lot of, there's a lack of clarity and how it's connecting back to the mission or purpose, or it doesn't feel like it is at all, then it's, you know, I don't want to be a part of this. I don't think I like this as much. This is the beauty of Belief, because there is so much passion behind the purpose. But that could also sometimes be the hindrance, right? If you maybe have Belief as that theme in your Top 10 where you recognize and have heard before, "You're stubborn. Why won't you just move or shift with us with this new action?" Well, if it's not in alignment, it's gonna be hard to get on board.

Jim Collison 3:45
Basic needs are often shown in the midst of stress or, or chaos, as things are happening. My wife has this very, very high in her Top 5, and recently left a job in a very stressful situation, as, you know, changing jobs can be, can be stressful. And began to use that Belief at home as she began to redo everything and kind of reset to her what she needed, the environment she needed to have to kind of get well again, so to speak. To get, get back, and so did some things to reset that for her, to kind of set those values -- this is the kind of environment I need to have. These are my values. This is what I need to have, and I'm going to reset it right now. And wow, it happened fast. She does not mess around. It was like next day, Boom! Changes went into place. But when we think about individual needs, right, that's action that gets us back to center. With Belief, I think that's important. I don't know, would you add anything else to that?

Jaclynn Robinson 4:51
I think that's great. I think you also just hit the nail on the head, as to the difference between Belief as a theme and belief as a Webster's dictionary word. We all could have beliefs. But as a theme, if it's no longer, you know, that trail is no longer moving towards your path, your desire, your purpose, your core value system, Bye! Because I need to get back to my center.

Jim Collison 5:15
Yeah, yeah. It took way, a lot more courage than I would have ever had. I struggled with it the whole time.

Jaclynn Robinson 5:21
That's the word that comes to mind! It feels so courageous and brave. And probably, you know, maybe not to you, if you have Belief high. But as an outsider, it's like, wow, you know. It's amazing. It's just a stand, Custer's last stand.

Jim Collison 5:37
I've been married to her for 35 years, and I was still amazed. I was like, Wow! I was moved by watching her go through that process, and just kind of, like, that took courage! And that's powerful. And man, I wish I had that kind of Belief, right? I just don't; I kind of waver a little bit on some of those kinds of things. So, you know, you know, I was kind of scared. And she was like, No, this is the right thing. This is what I'm doing. Right. And there's some folks in chat saying that as well. As we think -- we could talk about that probably for the rest of the, that's a powerful theme, right? Right?

Jaclynn Robinson 6:15
Yes! And it shows that Executing piece, because you're so moved by them, sometimes you go, OK, how do I act faster, because I'm feeling out of alignment? How do I be more like that person?

Jim Collison 6:27
No, right on! It made me think about some things like, Am I doing some stuff I should just ditch, because it doesn't align with my core values? Right. I mean, that's, it's powerful when you see someone do, that is, we'll talk about the manager here in just a second. But, but I think in management, it's a super, it's super powerful. Right? I think sometimes we think of it as flighty and ethereal. And its, it's not; it's powerful and moving, right, in a lot of ways. Let's talk about energy, bringing more energy -- How can you feel more energized by focusing your individual strengths and development that way?

Jaclynn Robinson 7:01
Yes. So thinking of work scenarios you like the most, and the internal or external customers that leave you feeling refreshed, just rejuvenated, What's the topic that you're speaking about with that particular audience that's so rejuvenating or inspiring to you? And then how can you build more of that into your day? Because what's bringing you energy is heard. We, you know, we hear it in your voice, the passion with which you speak about it. And that can really fire up and ignite other people too. So not only are you able to live more within that area of energy, if you're studying what works, and you try to incorporate more of it, but you're bringing everybody else on board too, because we just hear it. Like, Oh, love this!

Jim Collison 7:48
Yeah, I hear that, I hear that inspiring word in there, inspiring others, and even at a nonmanager level, thinking about just being a team member, how powerful that can be in a team. I almost think of it as a shining light to move someone who is like, I am standing, and I don't care what happens. I'm staying. And, and people are drawn to that. Right? They're drawn to that particular talent, that ability to stay and say, No, this is, this is what we're doing. This is what I'm doing -- thinking from an individual standpoint. Let's transition that to partnerships, feeling more energized by building partnerships and purpose within their role. Can you talk a little bit about that, too, or add on to that with that idea?

Jaclynn Robinson 8:35
Yep. I think someone high in Belief has a great ability to foster that atmosphere where others can feel comfortable living with their own passion and purpose, if they allow that space for it. One reason, just because they hear you speak so passionately about your own path, you kind of invoke in them that opportunity to share out with you. So you can really inspire and motivate your team members when the work gets busy or tough by helping them see the significance and purpose of their work. So kind of two elements there. When it gets tough, you're that voice; you could be the light, as you just mentioned, Jim, that keeps people moving forward. But also, if you're, just in conversation, sharing out your own passion and purpose, you could start to deepen trust and rapport and that psychological safety on your team, where now you have your colleagues/friends sharing out things that are important and meaningful to them. So two things; I don't know, if I, you know, split that up as clearly when I just mentioned it. So I wanted to readdress that.

Belief: Questions for Managers

Jim Collison 9:39
I think so. As you're talking. I'm thinking what, and what we're talking about, oftentimes, we've spent the last couple seasons thinking about moving from me to we. And I think oftentimes, we think of Belief in the individual context of how I respond, and not, not always putting it in the context of its influence to others around us. Maybe "influence" with a small "i"; could have some Influencing Domain-type things as well. But just thinking about that, and I'm stealing that, Sally, from you from the chat room, but it is this ability to, to move others with you not moving -- if that makes sense. I'm not moving, and then others move around you. Right? Because they, they sometimes we need that. Sometimes we, sometimes we need to move, right? Not in, not in every situation do we need to plant the flag, so to speak. You know, there's times we need to move, but there are times when, when those, you know, we need to stay. And, and I love that. I kind of get inspired by just thinking about it. We, let's, let's switch to the manager. As we think about a manager with, with Belief, how do, How can they use that to support others' basic needs?

Jaclynn Robinson 10:49
Bringing stability to team members through the convictions and the values that they hold. You know, as priorities shift, explaining to the team how that change aligns with the team's purpose. And also when barriers exist for your team, being that voice that raises the issue to the appropriate department. And I remember connecting with someone high in Belief and saying, yeah, when it comes to barriers of frustrations, what do you do? Oh, I, I'm the person. I know exactly who I need to go to, because I believe so much in the work we do, that we can't have that barrier exist any longer. So I'm gonna go, you know, use my voice and, and be heard, plant that red flag of, Hey, look at this, address this please, because it's hindering our opportunity to share far and wide what our purpose is.

Jim Collison 11:39
Think the hard part of this is in the moment, it's sometimes hard to -- the flag has been plant, this, to use your terminology, and mine too -- we plant the flag. Hey, I'm standing on this. And when you're, as a manager, to know, one, if that's the right thing to do in the moment, because like I said, sometimes we need to stay, and sometimes we need to move. And that's where it gets hard. It's easy, listen, it's easy to say these things in the context of a vacuum. We're recording these inside a vacuum. They're just, we're, you know, these are situations that don't really matter, for the most part. But, but as, as we think about future situations, for everybody listening, it is hard in those moments to do that. Let's just admit that, right. It's, it's hard to know. And so we struggle, and we work through it, right, we work through it together. And so as we think about this idea, I think, of this question, this next question of helping others feel seen, heard and valued as an individual, and I think that's kind of part of the key, talk a little bit about that.

Jaclynn Robinson 12:38
Yes. And so this is where, if we think about Belief, it's, you know, you have core values, a core mission and purpose. You would love if people, you know, shared that with you. But this is an opportunity to ask your employees what they're passionate about, and learn how you can be a support system, for their purpose, their hobbies and interests that they hold. And that can really deepen their trust and rapport with you. Because, you know, you're giving them the allowance to be their own individual, with their own value system and desires. And when you're that champion right alongside them, now you can use your voice in a different way where you're passionate about them and what they believe in. Harder to do, I'm sure, in some areas, can be very hard for this particular theme. But that's also, I think, why we need to highlight it so much, because that's where you can really stand to deepen trust and rapport.

Jim Collison 13:33
Yeah, yeah. This is, I, this is serious business. I think sometimes -- not that the other ones aren't, right. But I think we're touching on a subject here, in this area of values. And we think about directional or movement or doing tasks or getting things done or whatever, and that's highly emotional to people. And so these, these are hard things to do. We have this question about building trust, and inspire and deepen team collaboration and community. What do you think, what does that look, from a Belief standpoint, What does that look like when it's happening to you? What are some, and not specific examples, but paint -- you're really good at this -- kind of paint a picture for me of what, what do you think that means for Belief?

Jaclynn Robinson 14:16
Leading them with curiosity, to see what values or beliefs are driving the team. You might have that big, you know, North Star of what the purpose is for the team. What are the values or beliefs they hold that are getting them to that purpose, which could be very different from your own values and beliefs? And then when you assign work in the future, as well, are, are you able to connect it back to their values or beliefs that they mentioned? Because that's going to drive their motivation. So almost the strengths perspective here, where we say, hey, we can all get to the same outcome, but we're going to do it different, based on our own thoughts, behaviors, feelings. In this case, as someone high in Belief, you might have the purpose that your team is set out to accomplish, but what are their own values and beliefs that are motivating them to get there? And reiterate it time and again -- it's going to motivate them.

Jim Collison 15:08
I love that thought of taking Belief and using it for, for others' benefit, to, and then asking those questions. "Yes, I think this. What do you think?" How do you get there? And then how do we reconcile that in some way to get that done? I know that sounds a little bit like Harmony; all these things blend together as they work together. But you know, taking that Belief or having Belief for someone else, right, as a manager, you may need to take on, with high Belief, you may need to take on a value of someone else and support them with your Belief when they, when they can't, right, to do what they can't do.

Jaclynn Robinson 15:50
And that even goes back to what we just mentioned about, How do you make your team members feel seen, heard and valued? Yeah. What are their passions or hobbies or beliefs? And how do you lend your voice to that?

Jim Collison 16:01
Yeah, bring, bring Belief on their behalf. Yeah, I love that. Last question, as we kind of bring this in for a landing: How can a manager with, with Belief support the growth of each team member? We've alluded to this, but --

Jaclynn Robinson 16:14
We have! I was just thinking that.

Jim Collison 16:16
Wrap it up for us. Bring it together, as we think about that for each team member.

Jaclynn Robinson 16:23
So more clearly lending your sense of passion to team members to help them craft their individual development plan that's in alignment with their career plan and their life's purpose. So you might have different values and motivations in life, but your encouragement to help them walk their own path will bring fulfillment to you both.

Jim Collison 16:43
Belief is one of those interesting themes that, across cultures I've seen, takes on kind of a different flavor or a different feel, kind of culturally, based on the culture, where the culture sees things -- even individually, culturally, if I think about just what I know about different, different aspects of it here in the United States. As we, this is, this is one that's hard, this one's harder, I think harder to talk about and I think one that really deserves study and deserves introspection and deserves some time to tease out in some values exploration, within -- both individuals and with teams. And, listen, they all deserve this. I don't want to just say this, pull this one, but this is one of those I think that deserves some, some real thought and introspection. As we wrap it, any final thoughts, Jaclynn, you want to add to that?

Jaclynn Robinson 17:36
Maybe for someone, to your point, high in Belief, really honing in on, on What is meaningful or purposeful for you? Where is it necessary, as potentially a part of the role, to have everyone focused on that same goal or mission? But then being OK and comfortable with people getting there, their, in their own way, due to their own motivations, values or passions. And through that, you can create a lot of stability and foster a really enriching community and an inspiring community for everybody.

Jim Collison 18:13
Love it. Well, that's it. Drop the mic! We, we appreciate you -- as you're listening to this, and if you've got Belief in your Top 5, I hope we've said a few things today that bring some value, and, and love to dialogue with it, dialogue with you on that, as well. We'll remind everyone to take full advantage of all the resources we do have available in Gallup Access. Head out to Log in, and there's a Resources tab. Put in "Belief," and everything, just about everything we've done on that is available there for you -- some, some additional learning. For coaching, master coaching, if you want to become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, just send us an email: That's good for any questions as well, and we'll get somebody to get right back to you. If you want to join us for the 2024 Gallup at Work Summit, we'd love to have you join us. Or maybe it's after 2024; we probably have one for 2025 or 2026 -- I've said this in past years -- head out to and figure out how to get that done today. And then stay up to date on all future webcasts by joining our Facebook or LinkedIn groups. You can find us on social media by searching "CliftonStrengths" just about everywhere. If you enjoyed it, hit those Like and Subscribe buttons, and please share it. Thanks for listening today. Thanks for coming out. If you're listening live, stay around for a little bit of postshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Jaclynn Robinson's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Achiever, Strategic, Maximizer, Positivity and Relator.

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