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Analytical®: Developing Your Leadership Skills
Called to Coach

Analytical®: Developing Your Leadership Skills

Webcast Details

  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 2: Analytical
  • What is the power of Analytical in a leadership role?
  • How could Analytical help or hinder you in leading others?

Below are audio and video plus a transcript of the conversation, including time stamps.


Explore Gallup's CliftonStrengths® for Leaders Report and discover its ability to help you maximize the impact of your -- and others' -- unique leadership talents and strengths, in this Season 2 episode of The CliftonStrengths Podcast. Join Jim Collison and Dr. Jaclynn Robinson as they discuss the Analytical® theme, its power in a leadership role, how it can help or hinder you as you lead others, and how you can leverage it with the CliftonStrengths for Managers and CliftonStrengths for Sales Reports. Unlock the leadership potential of your Analytical talent -- because everyone leads something.


A leader with Analytical has the capability to look at ... all the cards on the table, to ensure a thorough review of facts and resources before making decisions.

Jaclynn Robinson, 1:18

They can take out emotions from a conversation and lean more into facts and logic. And that Analytical-minded leader can help ground others with their sense of calm, coupled with that practical way of looking at ... that topic.

Jaclynn Robinson, 3:47

Jim Collison 0:00
I am Jim Collison, and this is The CliftonStrengths Podcast, Season 2, recorded on December 20, 2022.

Jim Collison 0:07
In this CliftonStrengths Podcast series, we'll look at the CliftonStrengths for Leaders Report one theme at a time, and today's theme is Analytical. If you're listening live, love to have you join us in chat. Or if you have questions after the fact, you can always send us an email: Dr. Jaclynn Robinson is our host today. She works as a Gallup Learning and Development Consultant and joined me for Season 1 of The CliftonStrengths Podcast, where we looked at Wellbeing at Work, the book, for each theme. And Jaclynn, great to have you on, on this podcast. Welcome back.

Jaclynn Robinson 0:23

Introducing Analytical

Jim Collison 0:25
We are spending some time looking at Analytical today. Why don't you give us that, that all-important intro?

Jaclynn Robinson 0:49
All right. Well, Analytical searches for reasons and causes. They've got the ability to think about all of the factors that might affect a situation.

What Is the Power of Analytical in a Leadership Role?

Jim Collison 1:08
Yeah, think, think about all of them -- all. And "all" means all in this case. What's the power of this theme in a leadership role?

Jaclynn Robinson 1:18
Well, a leader with Analytical has the capability to look at all -- going back to that word -- all the cards on the table, to ensure a thorough review of facts and resources before making decisions. So I think this type of due diligence brings credibility as quarter-end goals or long-term strategies are discussed with the leadership team or organization. Those performance indicators and milestones, it helps everyone know where they're at and, and where they're heading. So I think that's the value that they can bring in a leadership role.

Jim Collison 1:47
I think, I want to do a parenthetical thought here too, just to remind individuals. That's a big word, isn't it? It's the only one I know! The thought is, we say that word "all." But we know CliftonStrengths are dynamic, in the sense that they're influenced by other themes, and that the demonstrative effect of "all" isn't necessarily true. And so you may have high Analytical, and you're coming at this and you're like, yeah, no, I don't, I don't, OK, great.

Jaclynn Robinson 2:15
I don't need all the cards on the table.

Jim Collison 2:17
It's like, no, I need most of them. But I don't need all. That's the beauty of this, right, is this conversation, this self-awareness -- whether you're studying yourself, or you're working with a coach, along these lines of understanding of what that actually means for you. We spend some time -- we joke about it, but I think it's a good -- especially during Analytical, it's good to think through that not all of these always have, even in our own definitions, they don't always have what they say in what we've said. Right? Yes. You're your own unique you in that. Would you add, Jaclynn, would you add anything to that, to that thought?

Jaclynn Robinson 2:53
Oh, you're your own unique you -- I like that. Yeah. So going back to that, there might be certain facts, figures, numbers, trends, patterns that you appreciate or want to invest in, just to make sure that you've looked at it from that particular angle, as opposed to maybe all angles. So -- and you know yourself best.

How Can Those With Analytical Lead Others?

Jim Collison 3:16
"All" may not be appropriate for the situation that you're in. Right. I just, yeah, I just think it's a good thought, especially as we're thinking about Analytical. I think it's a good reminder to have in this, right, is, is, is that fact. So how could this theme lead others? Let's talk a little bit about that. I think sometimes this is a good "me" -- we talk, we think about Analytical as something I do. How does that translate into the "we" in leading others?

Jaclynn Robinson 3:44
Ooh, so I'm coming from a positive approach from this, when I say they can take out emotions from a conversation and lean more into facts and logic. And that Analytical-minded leader can help ground others with their sense of calm, coupled with that practical way of looking at that matter or that topic or that subject. And that can help fellow leaders and employees start to work through their crises or their obstacles, because they're coming at it from that cool, calm and collect frame of mind versus their hair is on fire frame of mind. I think they're so good at doing that. We've got a manager in the workplace that leads with this, and they are just the best at being able to help calm down individuals that are just flustered and help them work through that scenario they're going through, where you leave and you go, Oh, I feel good about this!

Jim Collison 4:35
I think there's a natural bias to this theme at times that it always takes time. Like, OK, if I'm gonna need to think about it, there's some other themes where this would fit in. But as we think about leading others with it and, you know, you talk about fellow leaders and employees working through crisis or obstacles, does that, does that analysis always have to be bound by some unreasonable amount of time? Or can that be done quickly as well or in the moment or in the, in time where it's happening?

Jaclynn Robinson 5:08
I see it done relatively quickly for those that lead with Analytical. And if we're just thinking about the Analytical theme as a standalone, and maybe not those theme dynamics around it, if they have Analytical-Deliberative, that might look a little different than Analytical-Strategic or Analytical-Intellection. But I think it's something -- getting into that practical frame of mind is something that I think they're just naturally adept at, to keep people cool, calm and collect, and maybe they just figure it out together. What do we need to learn about this? What, what trends are we seeing? What data do we maybe need to grapple with? Or here's the data we have at hand. Let's look at this. So I think you're right. It doesn't, it's not always slow and methodical, where they need a lot of time. It just -- probably situation dependent.

How Could Analytical Hinder Your Leadership of Others?

Jim Collison 5:56
I said I'm not watching the chat. But I was, I was taking a little peek. And Ralph made a comment in chat about sorting -- the comment's much larger than that. And you can go back to the video and watch that if you want. But I do love this idea how Analytical used as a sort -- we spent a bunch of time in Season, I think Season 5 of Theme Thursday, thinking about the sorting, of how it can naturally sort, and I think Analytical's got that great ability, then, to, to think through and sort in that thought process. I think that's where it can really be beneficial in leading others, right. Again, these themes going from "me" to "we" is this idea of how are we using it for the benefit of others in that? OK, let's spend a little bit of time thinking about hinders, because that's in the report as well. We spend some time with success. We spend some time with hinders. Talk a little bit about how this theme could hinder your leadership of others.

Jaclynn Robinson 6:47
So this is where leading with the head and not, not necessarily the heart can hinder relationships in the workplace. And that could ultimately hinder performance, because in order to achieve those performance outcomes, it's just as important to consider an employee's concerns or feelings. And that goes back to that saying, you know, If we feel good, we play good. So I think that's just something that they might have to keep in mind. Again, we're, you know, there's, there's theme dynamics involved. So this might not be an issue for all, but as a standalone theme, we think about this as more leading with the head than the heart. And then also being able to take risks sometimes, without spending time for all the due diligence. Sometimes the organization is required to move fast. And in those instances, it might be more helpful to, you know, take all that complexity in your mind, drill it down into simplicity, so that you can strike or to lean on a partner that gauges the risk or is already thinking about where their future is heading. And help, you know, loop them in so they can help you make that decision.

Jim Collison 7:55
Yeah, yeah. Well, and it really kind of plays in, I think a lot of folks, what, what surrounds this has a lot of influence on how it plays out, both in speed, in longevity and in, in personal fulfillment? What does that mean for me as I'm, as I, cause, you know, some of these, like, we enjoy doing these processes. That's why we're, we're good at it. We enjoy doing them. And Analytical, from an Analytical standpoint, that may be thing that manifests in our brain, but it's satisfied in the outcome of others. Right. It's satisfied when that thought process becomes action, is then fulfilled in other people being successful in that, in that leadership. Any, any other, other, before we look at the other reports and report dynamics -- that's not a thing, by the way; I just made that up. Just don't, don't go, don't go on Facebook saying, Where's all the report dynamics? Just made that up. Any other final thoughts there, as far as leading others with Analytical?

Jaclynn Robinson 9:01
Well, one thing I'll actually loop this in -- it's not a hindrance; it's, it's a help. But when it comes to leading others, they are really adept at taking something complex and creating simplicity from that. It's one of the value adds of having this theme high. So when, you know, it does seem like the world is a cobweb, and you don't know how you're gonna get yourself out of it, that leader can offer a lot of hope and stability in helping them you know, really just drill down to this is what we need to focus on, or this is most important, or this is what all of this means from our standpoint or from our business or from our customer relations.

Jim Collison 9:44
You did what, you just did my job, which was great. I'm supposed to be asking that question of How does that fit into our strengths-based leadership needs, needs of those that, that we lead, and that Hope and Stability, right bringing that in from a Needs of Followers concept of bringing it, you know, bringing that piece together and providing that Stability, I think it does, I think it can be a very stabilizing force. And Hey, you know, I've thought through this. Here's, here's some things to consider in the process, because I thought through it. You know, it's always that, Hey, I've got this problem. And that person goes, Yeah, I got nothing. Like,

Jaclynn Robinson 10:23
Yeah, Sorry! And then that even lends itself to that Compassion piece, because they care about how these folks are feeling, and they want to make sure that they feel grounded and stable and positive about the future.

How Can You Use Analytical as You Lead, Together With the Managers and Sales Reports?

Jim Collison 10:38
Yeah, yeah. Right on. Well, let's do a little report dynamics -- again, not a real thing, and we don't have a list of them. But let's think about the CliftonStrengths for Leaders and CliftonStrengths for or for Sales Report. What could those look like together?

Jaclynn Robinson 10:53
Yes. So because of this leader's ability to really understand and appreciate facts and figures, or trends, they can be really skilled at helping prospects and clients understand how working with the company will serve as a good return on investment for them in their, their overhead.

Jim Collison 11:08
Yeah, good ROI. Which is, right, really just how did we know we did this right? Like, that's what that, you know, it's too long of an acronym. "How do we know we got this right?" is longer than ROI. But it, I think it does, it can be helpful in that space. I love to see those two reports to think about, from both a, from a sales perspective and from a leader perspective, that future casting. We're at the end of the year, of course, a lot of companies spend a lot of time thinking about, you know, hey, what's the next year going to be? I think there could be some helpful, some helpful insights in both right now and then throughout the year. How do we continually measure this success in a way or think through all the options that are available? What about, what about the Manager Report -- CliftonStrengths for Managers Report, as we think about in the context of this Leader Report?

Jaclynn Robinson 12:01
This even goes to forecasting, or future forecasting, as you said. They can help internal team members understand performance objectives, where their current performance metrics sit for both themselves and the team overall. And then what's needed to hit that target goal. So whether they've got team members that are, you know, really trying to close on goal with Quarter 4 right now, Q4, or whether they're already looking ahead and putting some, some future goals in place, I think they're really good at creating that level of clarity to help team members know where they're at, where they're heading, so that they've got that sense of stability.

Jim Collison 12:39
Yeah, I think teams really need -- this is gonna sound weird, but -- I think teams really need this from a Stability standpoint. This, this process of thought, both from a day-to-day-to-day standpoint, and what this could look like in the future, and how those two tie together. I think sometimes we miss that. Like, yeah, we have visions for the future. How are we actually going to get there? And then putting a path in place, but who's actually going to manage us through that path? You know, we have a, we have a gigantic, as we're recording this, we have a gigantic financial system changeover that's happening here at Gallup, you know, at the end of the year. And, and it's been, it's been fun to watch the teams that are preparing us for this. And up to 2 months ago, we were getting, OK, here it comes. It's coming. And then, OK, here's some things you need to know. And just, just know that, you know, coming in January, you need to do this. And I'm sure, as we get into January, there'll be like, OK, don't forget, right. That's the -- I think that's the management side of that change.

Jim Collison 13:45
The leadership side of that was knowing we needed to make, you know, we had to upgrade, do some things for the future, leading that from a where we go and what we do, what's the, what's the ultimate end goal? Takes advantage of that futuristic side of things, right? Or "futuristic" with a small "f" -- sorry, using Analytical, right, to really think through, because it's very complicated. What we're about to do is super complicated, and it has to work. You can't, Oh, oh, well, oops. Like, we can't have our financial system like, Oops, we didn't think about that, right, type deal. So I think that's that nice manager-leader combo, right, thinking about that. Any other, any other thoughts on Analytical as we wrap this up?

Jaclynn Robinson 14:35
They're good with the "why" too. So as the, as the organization might be moving in the direction, whether it's, you know, this financial piece, whether it's new goals, they're really good with, because they're curious about the "why" -- Why might we be moving in that direction? Have we thought it through and looked at different angles? That, that ability to deliver that to their team is, it's so clear, it's so adept. They're so good at doing that. So I appreciate those with Analytical, because it's not just, Here's the metrics or the numbers or the outcomes. But here's why. And people appreciate the "why" behind it.

Jim Collison 15:15
Love the love the "why" on it. Yes. It's a, it's a no-brainer. But sometimes we forget, you know. And people, people need, I have another podcast friend, and he always says, Yeah, adults need a "why" for some reason. We think only the kids ask it; the adults, we feel bad, so we don't ask it. But we are -- inside, we still need a "why" sometimes. Like, why are we doing all that? Oh, it could have that kind of future impact for me. Oh, it'll allow me to put my timesheet in on my phone. OK, I'm in; like, I am all in on this thing. Right. So super good stuff. Jaclynn, thanks for, thanks for your thoughts on that as well.

Jim Collison 15:54
We'll remind everyone to take full advantage of all the resources we do have available. If you head out to Gallup Access, so go to, log in and choose the menu, upper left-hand corner. Drop that down and choose Resources. Put in the theme, any theme -- this one was Analytical. But put in any theme. All the resources, all the webcasts, everything we've ever said -- not everything, because it's, we, it's impossible. But most things that we said are available out there for you, and you can find them right there. Stay up to date with all our webcasts by following us. Create an account, follow us on Eventbrite -- gallup.eventbrite (B-R-I-T-E on that, by the way) -- Join us on any social platform by searching "CliftonStrengths," and we want to thank you for listening today. If you enjoyed it, share it. Hit the Like and Subscribe button are there. We had a whole bunch of you today. You should hit that Like button for the live folks. If you're watching on the recorded version, click, you can still click it. It's always nice. We like a little bit of encouragement. Click the Like button; makes us feel good. And of course, we want to thank you for listening today. If you are listening live, stay around for smidgen of a postshow. With that, we'll say, Goodbye, everybody.

Jaclynn Robinson's Top 5 CliftonStrengths are Achiever, Strategic, Maximizer, Positivity and Relator.

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