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The Ajinomoto Group

Gallup and the Ajinomoto Group are committed to helping people "Eat Well, Live Well" by exploring the connection between cooking enjoyment, communal eating and higher wellbeing.

Featured Report

Wellbeing Through Cooking: Global Insights Into Cooking Enjoyment and Eating Together

The Ajinomoto Group, a leading global food company committed to helping people "Eat Well, Live Well," sought to understand the role two simple but important activities -- cooking and regularly dining with people they know (or "communal eating") -- play in people's lives. Past research has found that cooking and communal eating are associated with a range of social and emotional benefits. However, these findings have yet to be tested across cultures or in a larger, regionally diverse group of countries.

As a result, Gallup and the Ajinomoto Group partnered to address this research gap and explore how cooking and communal eating factor into people's lives worldwide and whether these activities have any relationship with one's overall sense of wellbeing.

The report discovers that there appears to be a meaningful connection between cooking enjoyment and subjective wellbeing, and individuals who regularly dined with somebody they know were substantially more likely to be thriving in their life evaluations.

Report Cover

Download the report to learn more about the relationship between cooking enjoyment, sharing meals with people you know and thriving in life.

Listen to Gallup podcast episode, Can Cooking and Sharing a Meal Boost One’s Wellbeing? on these popular platforms or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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A1.1 Survey Instruments

This survey was included as a module within the Gallup World Poll in 2022. Since 2005, the World Poll has regularly surveyed people in more than 160 countries using mixed methods of telephone and face-to-face interviewing. In a typical year, the poll results represent more than 95% of the world’s population aged 15 and older, using randomly selected, nationally representative samples.

A1.2 Translation and Quality Control

The questionnaire was translated into the major conversational languages of each country. The translation process started with an English, French or Spanish version, depending on the region. One of two translation methods may have been used. In the first, two independent translations were completed. An independent third party, with some knowledge of survey research methods, adjudicated the differences. A professional translator translated the final version back into the source language. In the second, a translator translated into the target language. An independent third party with knowledge of survey methods reviewed and revised the translation as necessary.

Core Gallup World Poll question translations remain consistent over time. Any new question items were translated according to the Gallup World Poll’s quality procedures. Interviewers were instructed to follow the interview script and may not deviate from the translated language.

A1.3 Sampling and Data Collection

All samples were probability-based -- meaning respondents were selected randomly -- and nationally representative of the aged 15 and older population. As all eligible landline exchanges and valid mobile service providers were included, the coverage area is an entire country, including rural areas. The sampling frame represents adults aged 15 and older with access to a phone (either landline or mobile). Gallup used random-digit dialing (RDD) or a nationally representative list of phone numbers.

A1.4 Data Weighting

Gallup weights World Poll samples to correct for unequal selection probability, nonresponse, and double coverage of landline and cellphone users when using both cellphone and landline frames. Gallup also weights its final samples to match the national demographics of each selected country. The margin of error for each sample reflects the influence of data weighting. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.

58% Nearly six in 10 people worldwide said they enjoyed cooking in the past seven days, while 17% said they did not enjoy cooking and 24% said they didn't cook.
1.2x People who said they enjoyed cooking in the past seven days are about 1.2 times more likely to be "thriving" in their life evaluation than those who did not or hadn't cooked.
3x "Solitary diners" in high-income countries -- people who habitually eat by themselves -- are three times more likely to be "suffering" in their life evaluation than those who eat with somebody they know at least once per week.

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