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The Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation

Gallup and the Wellbeing for Planet Earth (WPE) Foundation have partnered to foster a more inclusive and global understanding of wellbeing.

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Wellbeing for All: Incorporating Harmonic Principles of Wellbeing in Subjective Wellbeing Research and Policymaking

Wellbeing is not limited to objective indicators such as GDP or income. Individuals' subjective experiences and their own sense of how well they live life also matter, including in policymaking. What are the components of a good life that reflect the diverse experiences of individuals around the world?

What we know about the components of a good life is limited, and research has focused on only a few dimensions of happiness. To fill this gap, Gallup partnered with the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation to reimagine wellbeing and happiness by adopting a "harmonic" view of wellbeing and measuring historically overlooked concepts like balance and harmony.

Wellbeing for Planet Earth report cover

Download the report to learn about the global population's experiences related to balance, harmony, inner peace and contentment in life, as well as how our data drive the case for centering the experiences of individuals in policymaking.

Listen to Gallup podcast episode, What Role Do Harmony and Balance Play in Our Wellbeing? on these popular platforms or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Fielding for this global survey study took place between April 2022 and February 2023 with approximately 1,000 participants over the age of 15 interviewed in 142 countries. In Iceland, Jamaica and Puerto Rico, 500 individuals were interviewed. In Algeria, the number of respondents was 821, and in India and Russia, the number of respondents was 3,000 and 2,006, respectively. In all other countries, the number of respondents ranged from 1,000 to 1,046. Data collection happened over the phone in countries where phone penetration is high (approximately >80% of the population) and face to face otherwise.

Samples in each country were representative of the national population over the age of 15. In each country, trained interviewers administered the survey in the local language either face to face or over the phone. For sampling on the phone, Gallup utilizes random digit dialing or a nationally representative list of phone numbers, using a dual sampling frame that includes both landline and mobile telephone numbers. For face-to-face sampling, Gallup employs stratification and cluster sampling methods. First, sampling units are stratified by population size and/or geography, and then clusters within each stratified sample are surveyed. The sampled unit clusters are households, and within each household, a computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) program randomly selects a member to be interviewed.

All percentages presented in this report are weighted based on information about the sample design in each country. Weighting ensures that the sample in each country is representative of the population over the age of 15. Global percentages presented in this report are weighted based on census information from the global population in the year 2022 to ensure that percentages represent the global population. Data collection did not take place in China in 2022.

80% of the global population frequently feels in harmony with others.
62% or more in every region report that their own thoughts and feelings are always or often in harmony.
59% of the global population reports that the various aspects of their lives are in balance.

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World Happiness Report 2022

World Happiness Report 2022 captured Gallup and the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation’s research findings on balance and harmony.

World Happiness Report 2022 cover