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    Live Your Best Life Using Your Strengths

    We've all wondered who we are and what makes us unique. The CliftonStrengths assessment answers those questions.

    Join 34,596,537 People Using Their CliftonStrengths to Thrive at Work and Everywhere Else

    You Are Unique. You Are Powerful. Be Confident With Who You Are.

    Understanding your strengths unlocks your potential and leads you to greater performance.


    "It has helped me get crystal clear about who I am."


    "I appreciate people feeling like they're seen, valued and heard. That's really powerful."


    "I can be BOLD in how I am wired."

    1. 1
      Step 1

    Take the CliftonStrengths Assessment

    During this hour-long assessment, you'll see paired statements and choose which ones best describe you.

    CliftonStrengths Assessment as viewed from mobile device
    1. 2
      Step 2

    Get Your Personalized Results

    Your customized CliftonStrengths reports and guides will give you an "aha" moment as you experience new ways to understand what makes you so unique.

    CliftonStrengths Reports with Personalized Results as viewed from mobile device
    1. 3
      Step 3

    Apply Your Strengths Throughout Your Life

    Now it's time to aim your CliftonStrengths at anything that comes your way. Use our resources and tools to better aim your strengths at success.

    Resources and Tools as viewed from mobile device

    Find the Report That's Right for You

    CliftonStrengths Comparison Table

    I'm interested in CliftonStrengths for:


    Learn how to use your strengths to succeed at work and live your best possible life.

    Learn More about how to use your strengths to succeed at work.

    Teams and Managers

    Discover how to create and sustain exceptional team performance.

    Learn More about how to create and sustain exceptional team performance.

    My Organization

    Embed a strengths-based culture today so you can win for years to come.

    Learn More about a strengths-based culture for your organization.

    Educators and Students

    Empower your students and faculty to learn, grow and succeed in and out of school.

    Learn More about how to Empower your students and faculty to learn, grow, and succeed in and out of school.
    Group of Happy Students

    Are you a student? Unlock your pathway to academic success with our brand new CliftonStrengths for Students Report