Significance Theme
Explore Gallup's research.
Find out how your Significance talent can fuel your energy -- or the energy of those you manage -- at work.
Explore the Significance theme through the lens of a leader and discover the ways it can empower your leadership.
Learn how to apply your CliftonStrengths theme of Significance to move your wellbeing -- and the wellbeing of the people in your life -- to a place of thriving.
"Strong themes, stronger teams": Learn how your team can own its Significance talents and become stronger, resulting in improved performance, organic growth and better wellbeing.
The CliftonStrengths themes at the top of your profile are the most powerful and give you the greatest chance for success. Join us as we discuss Significance.
Learn the definition of Significance and how to use it to succeed. Get a detailed description of this theme made popular in StrengthsFinder 2.0.
Learn about your Significance talents -- how they can help and hinder you, and how you can use them most effectively in this 2018 edition of Mastery Monday.
Gain insight into the CliftonStrengths talent theme of Significance: how to invest in it, if it's one of your dominant talents, and how to develop it in others.
Learn the value of Significance for you as a leader or coach, and how through stability, compassion, hope and trust you can grow this theme into greatness.
Learn what Significance looks like when you use theme dynamics, and how it combines with and complements your other talent themes.
Learn how themes form the core of CliftonStrengths and how to understand and appreciate your own -- and others' -- strengths, as we focus on Significance.
In a business world in which clients have many choices and products aren't often sharply differentiated, customers demand strategic thinking, emotional connections, and critical information. Providing that mix demands all of a sales rep's talents.
Soon after assuming responsibility for a Best Buy store, one of Eric Taverna's big challenges was to harness the energy of his employees. His approach -- and its positive, long-term effects -- offer lessons to managers across all industries on how to build a committed workforce.
People exceptionally talented in the Significance theme want to make a big impact. They are independent and prioritize projects based on how much influence they will have on their organization or people around them.
The best sales managers know how to provide their star performers with just the right rewards to feed that drive for success. In fact, finding the perfect "fit" between motivation and rewards may be the key to focusing great sales reps toward even greater achievements -- or sending them into a slump. Here are some strategies to motivate your sales stars.
How do we motivate the associates on our team, when promotional opportunities or money are not necessarily within our grasp to deliver? This remains one of the most common questions from managers. How can a strengths-based approach help us stimulate and inspire our team members to produce their best work?