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Interview: How Ellyn Shook Leads With Strengths

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About the Leader

Ellyn Shook

Ellyn Shook Chief Leadership and Human Resources Officer, Accenture

  • Activator®
  • Ideation®
  • Futuristic®
  • Self-Assurance®
  • Input®

Ellyn Shook is Accenture's chief leadership and human resources officer, responsible for helping the 742,000 people of Accenture succeed professionally and personally. Her global team of HR leaders is reimagining leadership and talent practices to create the most truly human work environment in the digital age, fueling Accenture's ability to live its purpose: to deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity.


"When I see the future, I see a beautiful future of equality, and I will not stop until we get there."

Of all her strengths, Shook identifies most with Futuristic. She thinks well into the future, using her long-term vision to guide near-term behaviors, thereby structuring her daily life with meaningful actions. Her ultimate aspiration is to create fairness for the people of Accenture and for society overall.


"I'm on a never-ending quest for knowledge, ideas and facts."

Never far from the data, Shook believes in being data rich and insight driven. She incessantly seeks the right information at the right time to make the right decision.