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Interview: How Marie Royce Leads With Strengths

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About the Leader

Marie Royce

Marie RoyceFormer Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State

  • Achiever®
  • Maximizer®
  • Self-Assurance®
  • Arranger®
  • Strategic®

“Every single strength is important.”


"I really trusted myself."

Even as a child, Royce was clear about what she wanted to do, and she trusted her decisions. At the age of 9, she decided to follow in her father's footsteps and practice real estate. Later, at 18, emboldened by her Self-Assurance, she chose to pursue international real estate instead of practicing locally like her father.


"I work really hard to make sure everybody has an opportunity to contribute."

Royce endeavors to understand what motivates each employee and how they can best direct their talents toward team goals. She emphasizes to her teams how important it is for every single person to contribute to the larger strategy and that every one of their strengths is valuable.


"I start with zero every day and see how much I can do."

Being a hard worker is one of Royce's top priorities. She resets her internal evaluation of achievement each day, dedicating fresh energy to her goals daily and delighting in completing as much as she can.