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How Does the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker Work?

How Does the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker Work?

What is the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker?

The Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker is a representative survey of U.S. microbusiness owners. The survey highlights the unique concerns and day-to-day challenges that microbusinesses face along their path from startup to maturity. In contrast to "small businesses," which are generally defined as firms with fewer than 500 employees, "microbusinesses" employ five or fewer workers, including the owner. The survey aids in policymaking and decision-making at the national level and provide actionable insights into the collective mood and state of mind of microbusiness owners.

How are interviews conducted for the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker?

Gallup conducts Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker interviews with respondents on landline and cellphones. Gallup chooses respondents at random from a sampling of Americans who had completed a previous general Gallup phone interview and indicated that they were business owners willing to be contacted for a future survey. Gallup purchases samples for this study from Survey Sampling International (SSI). For the interview, Gallup selects business owners who reported owning a "microbusiness" with five or fewer workers, including the owner. Gallup conducts all interviews in English.

How many people are interviewed in a typical Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker?

A typical Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker survey includes responses from a random sample of approximately 1,000 U.S. microbusiness owners.

How often is the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker conducted?

Gallup conducts the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker on a quarterly basis.

Are Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker samples weighted?

Yes, Gallup stratifies and weights the samples by business size and region to ensure that they are representative of microbusiness owners. Gallup weights these samples to targets established by the Gallup Daily tracking survey.

Where can I find results from the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker and learn more about the survey?

Gallup publishes newsworthy results from the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker on a quarterly basis on Sign up for Gallup News alerts to get these articles as soon as they are published. For more key insights from the Sam's Club/Gallup Microbusiness Tracker, visit the Sam's Club Newsroom.

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